Friday, October 7, 2011

Instant CPA - Just Add Coffee

There is nothing instant about finding a CPA that both understands your business and that, ahem, you can afford.  Well, I am going to let you in on a little secret, from the CPA side, there is also nothing instant about getting the good referrals - the clients that match your personality, your skill set and that, ahem, want to pay you.

CPA's are continually targeted by people that want to help them market - they say we need to advertise, do mailers, do monthly newsletters, etc.  I think there is value in a newsletter when there is news and we really don't need to become part of the noise that fills your inbox each day.

And ultimately, is your financial information something you generally trust to a name that shows up on a postcard in your mailbox?

I don't think so...

Well, then how do people find their perfect CPA?  And how do CPA's find their good clients?

I am not sure that there is an easy answer to that, but I would like to propose the idea that it starts with coffee.  Coffee with a friend in your industry.  Ask them who does their work and do they like them?  Coffee with a mentor, same questions.  Get a couple names from friends.  Call those names.  See who calls you back.  Meet them for coffee, pick your favorite and begin the relationship. 

I believe that financial services is still an industry that works best through personal referral.  There are good on-line matches, but one should not overlook the personal relationships.  I am not saying finding a CPA is like getting married, but I suspect that your CPA (the right one) will understand and communicate about your finances better than most spouses.

By the way, when I choose to market, and I do choose to market, I do it through community events - a table at a non-profit event; a hole on a golf course for charity, a sponsorship of a festival for kids who don't have festivals. I calculate that I get about as much return on this marketing as I would get on sending out mailers (nearly none), but at least I feel a whole lot better about where the money went.

I have written a companion piece to this called How Much Should You Pay for Bookkeeping if you would like to read more (much more - it was a tad wordy).

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